Poll 1 of 2: Debilities
When someone suffers a debility in your game, how much do you all focus on the fiction of that debility? How much do the fictional implications of the debility come up in your GM moves? How does that compare to the -1 penalty to the stat modifier?
The -1 on the character sheet is way too subtle. I put a post-it in front of them that states their disability so we can make sure it matters in fiction. I could actually care less about the -1, but I guess it’s good to have an actual mechanical effect.
Well last time I hit folks with debilities it was more like yeah he broke your arm you have the weak debility so … Yeah the last option.
We ignore debilities and go full fiction.
If someones gets an arm broken we stick to the inconveniences of that wound. No -1s at all, just fiction.
I made debilities -2 in Fourth World.