Dungeon World – Adventures on Dungeon Planet
I have four sessions of Adventures on Dungeon Planet on the calendar for Sunday afternoons in March. If you’re not familiar with the game, it’s Johnstone Metzger’s science-fantasy supplement for Dungeon World. This is a continuation of the games I’m running in February, but they’re a separate entity, so you don’t need to have played in any of those to play in the March games.
Games will run from 3:00 – 6:30 Central Time.
The setting is home-brew science fantasy set in an environment inspired by the deep south of America.
Session 1: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_SBuJaWMIdOfiATdg
Session 2: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_SWHypeZY0LgoDEto
Session 3: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_SesrudwcmDx8t37V
Session 4: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_So-wcMKD78fn5Lrc