The Twisted Knight release!
“A symbol of hope, a champion of the innocents, praised by men and women alike, a true hero. In your previous life you were all of these things, but something changed you. You are a knight, but you are also something more… Will you cling to your past, or embrace your newfound unholy powers? Hide your true form, or release the darkness within!”
Credits: I have used a few moves and ideas from the Paladin class. I’ve also borrowed a move from Deios’ Vampire Compendium Class, as well as some ideas from Peter Johansen’s Vampire class.
I also want to thank everyone here, on Discord, and on Reddit for the valuable feedback. If not for you, this class would probably have been a lot less interesting
30-01-19 edit: Based on feedback from TonyxRd and Magnus_Tesshu I’ve decided to replace the 2 charge moves with new more interesting moves, changed the wording in Need to Feed, and changed Just a Flesh Wound slightly (Same link)