Unemployed and bored and I made a little zine of random tables for a psychedelic desert setting. Do what thou wilt with it.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yeJDr4sWQl9Xz1WTPpDNMW4_jeq9ia5X/view?usp=drive_webUnemployed and bored and I made a little zine of random tables for a psychedelic desert setting.
Unemployed and bored and I made a little zine of random tables for a psychedelic desert setting.
Hey, you do good work! Thanks for this. Very… UVG.
Yochai Gal Thanks, I only know it from the Fear of a Black Dragon episode, but I’ve been meaning to check it out.
Turns our unemployed and bored is good for productivity. Some nice ideas, and I second the opinion that this is very UVG.
We ought to host a bored and unemployed game session
Thom Hall if I’m unemployed for much longer I’m going to have to get something going on. Losing my mind here. I need to start running games on the Gauntlet again at least. After the holidays…