Tonight was the 50th session of my ongoing face-to-face Stonetop “playtest” campaign, and the last session with one of our six players. Two years of real time!
The Heavy-turned-vengeful-ghost finally got said vengeance on Marc, leader of the Red Band, the Would Be Hero’s father and cause of the Hillfolk Civil War that has embroiled the PCs for the past 20ish sessions.
The Would Be Hero, dubbed “Breaker of Chains” actually broke some chains and used them to beat-to-death one of the Heiromonks who had led her father down his dark path.
She then rode after her father, showed up at the Moot of Hillfolk leaders just as the Heavy-turned-Ghost poltergeisted her father into a crumbled heap. She took leadership of the Red Band from him, set her own newly-formed band “free,” and murdered the last remaining Heiromonk in front of all the elders… breaking the old power structures and ending the civil war.
And as dawn broke, after mopping up the dozens of quicksilver wretches that Marc had brought with him as a treacherous power-play, the Heavy wistfully asked his friends: “How do you think harvest went back in Stonetop?” and after a little bit of banter, when no one was looking at him, stepped through the Black Gate.
It was, I think, a pretty great sendoff. Both to Hobbes and her Breaker of Chains and to the Heavy, who’s player will be picking a new playbook soon.
Thanks for playing with us, Hobbes LeGault. Your ideas and contributions made this particular Stonetop the rich world was that it is, and Nolwenn’s arc is one of my favorites in almost 30 years of gaming.
I’m not crying you’re crying
I have had an AMAZING time these past two years. I really do not know how to thank you enough for the opportunity to play around in your world.
You’ve been a fantastic GM, Jer, and I’m so honored to have you as a friend