Since I love DW dice mechanic with multiple outcomes, but also like rolling d20s I created two tables that let you use a d20 for 2d6 rolls
1-6= failure/hard move
7-14= partial success
15-20= full success (19/20 are equivalent to 12+)
And for the 6 option fate die, I made this
1-3 No And
4-6 No
7-10 No but
11-14 Yes but
15-17 Yes
18-20 Yes and.
Enjoy and share your opinions on this idea.
Cool! I’m sure some people will love this. And I don’t mean to rain on your parade here. But since d20 doesn’t create a bell curve this means you’d have to tweak the stats in the game to not ”unbalance” things.
Victor Segell . Yeah I understand that this would change many moves in the game, this is meant for people who like rolling d20 and are ready for the consequences it might entail.
There was a similar thing done in one of the osr communities to simulate the AW type results.
It was roll 2d20.
If both rolls succeed that would equal a 10+ result.
If only one roll succeeded that would be your 7-9.
If neither succeeded then that would be your 6-.
If you added Advantage/Disadvantage you just roll a third d20 and keep the two better results for Advantage or the two lower results for Disadvantage.
***EDIT: Thinking about it, the above I posted doesn’t really apply here since you don’t have target numbers in DW/AW.
Food for thought though.
Gerard Snow I always try to port the hard move/partial-/full success scheme to other games when I play, but this usually means tweaking it somewhat.
Like in WoD it’s partial success if you land one success and full success if it’s two.
Maybe if you roll d20 make it if you roll slightly under DC it’s partial and full success if it’s over?
I messed around with this at one point myself and did a comparison of d20+0 vs 2d6+0. Using – AnyDice I rolled 2d6 and added each percentage in the ranges to get this:
6 and under = 41.67%
7-9 = 41.67%
10+ = 16.67%
You could get close, but not exact, using a d20 with:
1-8 = 6 and under (40%)
9-17 = 7-9 (45%)
18-20 = 10+ (15%) with 20+ equivalent to 12+
You would definitely have to alter a few moves, but not many. Barbarian gets a d8+d6 for one of its moves, for example.
Brian Holland While those boundaries match for +0, any different modifiers will swing massively. +1 is a big thing on 2d6 but meaningless on a d20.
This is very swingy. What I’ve done in a different game is use a d20 rolled under their stat (using D&D levels of 3-18). If you succeed and it’s a single digit (1-9) it’s a partial; otherwise it’s a full success. If you roll the stat exactly it’s a critical.
Marty B. the “roll 2d20” approach works without target numbers if you do “roll under stat.”
E.g. When you Defy Danger by acting quickly, roll 2d20. If both dice are equal to or under your Dexterity, the danger doesn’t come to pass. If one die is equal to or under Dexterity, the GM offers a hard bargain, ugly choice, or worse outcome. If neither die is equal to or under Dexterity, mark XP and prepare for the worst.
I recall the maths working out to be very similar to roll 2d6+STAT vs. 10+/7-9/miss. More fine grained, of course, but largely the same feel.
You could then add +1/-1 mods more freely without having as big of an impact (boring) or use ‘vantage to represent significant modifiers.
Elliott Ambrosetti you’re right. 2d6+1 gives only a 2.78% increase to 7-9 but an 11.11% increase to 10+! Add another +1 and the 10+ result goes up to a 41.67% chance!
+1 on d20 will always only be 5%.
You could just map the 2d6 bell curve to the 2d20 bell curve to keep the probabilities the same.
Jeremy Strandberg ya know it may have been in The Black Hack Community where in that game it is roll under.
I actually forgot that DW uses the 3-18 stats haha but yes totally you are correct, roll under as your target and it should work out.
I keep a spreadsheet on various dice stats for PbtA type games. The bell curve effect is minimal, and I don’t think it adds anything special. In fact I consider it a negative that 7-9 results are less likely at +3. One perk of using d20+X is that you can get rid of the traditional 3-18 stats and just use modifiers while still being able to increase your attribute score every level without any caveats like “max +2 until level 4” which has popped up in some DW variants.
On the graph, the dotted line is the max-allowed modifier score, the grey lines show the +0 zone. Also this graph shows a 1 always being a fail. In order to match DW the closest, you’ve got 8- for fail, 9-16 for partial success, and 17+ for full success.
For the 2d20 roll under, it’s important to note that the chances are higher, so a score of 8 is roughly equivalent to DW’s +0, 10 ~= +1 , 13 ~= +2, 16 ~= +3, and 18 ~= +4
A -1 is as strong as a +3 in the 2d6 curve
OP, you may want to check out Forthright Open Roleplay
To keep roughly the same percentages as DW, starting stats for 2d20 roll under would be something like 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 13. Although you could do 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and still be in the same zone.
Marty B. Pretty cool!
Oney Clavijo I cant take credit. I think it might’ve been Ben Milton that came up with that.
Wow… such a nice change to see in this group. I offered up a similar idea like 3 years ago and was absolutely shredded by the population at the time for the heresy of suggesting anything like a D20 in the game. Now, it seems folks are jumping on to help the idea out, and some of the priests of ‘bad wrong fun’ may have departed.
bad wrong fun! just kidding, really doesn’t matter to me, but it would definitely change the way bonus and penalty works, also, so consider that. The nice thing about it is that you have a wider range of scale for bonus/penalty if you wish.