I’m getting ready to run DW for a few newbie RPG players. They are huge fans of fantasy literature, however, and have expressed an interest in playing in a world like Robin Hobbs’ Realm of the Elderlings. They are especially interested in exploring the magic systems therein, the Wit and the Skill. Can anyone recommend any playbooks that would be similar to character types you might see in those books? I found Warg, which is kind of close to a Witted person with an animal companion, but doesn’t seem quite right. Thoughts?
I’m getting ready to run DW for a few newbie RPG players.
I’m getting ready to run DW for a few newbie RPG players.
I am completely unfamiliar with the source material you’re drawing inspiration from, but is this something that could be handled through the fiction? Instead of changing mechanics and bringing in new playbooks, just narrate and describe things in the game appropriately. That might not be possible, but I think it might be the easiest solution.
Chris Stone-Bush I think you’re right. A Ranger or Druid playbook with the right narrative flavor would suit my needs.
The Druid with an unorthodox choice for their Land might serve admirably.
I agree that a lot of it can be handled through the fiction. If there are specific abilities you want to make available, I would suggest creating custom compendium classes and making them available to your players at level 2 or 3. This is far easier than trying to homebrew a full playbook.