I’m writing an rpg for my monthly monsters, called The Company of Monsters. It’s PbtA, and a bit like Dungeon World, but reversed because you play the monsters and you kill the murderhobo adventurers invading the wilderness.
I just posted an updated playtest draft. Check it out if that sounds interesting. I think it’s reasonably compatible with Dungeon World (and World of Dungeons) if you’re into mixing bits and pieces.
If I may ask, how does it differ from Number Appearing, in game experience?
Nicolas Bohnenberger Thanks for asking!
The Company of Monsters has it’s own set of basic moves and other rules. Some rules are similar to other PbtA games, especially DW, but it’s got its own stuff going on too.
To make a character, you choose a role, and then either use that role’s generic monster type to design your monster, or you choose one of the specific monster types, which are kind of like compendium classes (or specialties from Class Warfare). I’m still working on those. Theoretically, you could be any kind of monster you want (vampire, purple worm, goblin, etc).
The meta setup is fairly specific, too: you have been assembled into a company by the monster gods in order to fight back against humans who are invading and colonizing the wilderness (where monsters live). Each player devises a quest and proposes it to the company, then the company goes on those quests, one at a time. Also, the group as a whole makes the map of the setting at the start of the game, before characters (it’s sort of like in Perilous Wilds).
Thanks for the reply! Will accompany your progress!