Introducing the Knight Mystic — a swordmage type character compatible with Worlds of Adventure! I designed this one some time ago for DW and we enjoy it at our table, so I couldn’t resist porting it over. the Knight Mystic — a swordmage type character compatible with Worlds of Adventure!
Introducing the Knight Mystic — a swordmage type character compatible with Worlds of Adventure!
Where do you develop “the code” listed in one of the drives?
Also, the formatting is slightly off on Basic Moves (Mystic Sight) and Bloodbound; finally there is a third page. If you need help with this kind of stuff, let me know!
Yeah, I noticed it afterward — for some reason it looks right on my end, but when I look at it through the upload it’s wonky.
And that’s a great question, one which I always turn around on players — “Where DID you learn the Code? What is it? Why do you follow it, and who else follows it?” Leads to lots of lore and story hooks and worldbuilding.