Originally shared by Andrew Huffaker
I will be interviewing Colin Kierans tomorrow and would love to hear any questions you may have for him. We will be discussing the Dungeon World newsletter and his incredibly well written Vindexus custom moves.
Shoot us a question for the show.
Any why are my delightful fan products never mentioned with the other immortals?
You’re such a pillar of the community that it would be silly to include. You’re basically the John Madden of Dungeon World.
Andrew Huffaker Flattery will get you everywhere.
That’s what she said.
Andrew Huffaker You might ask him what products most excite/inform his own game? Has he heard of J. S. upcoming masterpiece Stonetop?
When you say ‘his own game’ are you referring to Binding World? Also, do you have any random questions to throw at him (He only gets 15 seconds to answer. ie someone asked Slade Stolar how to make the best sandwich).
What upcoming Dungeon World related supplement/hack/ruleset is he most excited about, and why is it Stonetop?
Yochai Gal I pulled that kind of question with Slade. I asked ‘What is your favorite class and why is it Psions?’ hahaha
Yes on Binding; favorite movie, novel, fictional character you would most like to have dinner with?
Mark Tygart and why is it Jar Jar Binks?
Andrew Huffaker I go with insanity from contact with Cthulhu!!