I am trying to create a blanced class for the Hoplite from the game”Hoplite”
So far i made the move “bash”:
When you bash a foe with your shield, roll+STR, on a 10+ you bash him far away, off his feet with an attack with the following tags:VERY FORCEFUL STUNNING -1d6 damage.
On a 7-9 choose one:
Deal -1d8 damage instead
Take off the stunning tag
Make the attack only Forceful
What do you think?
Btw his damage dice is d10
Doesn’t feel fictionally or mechanically superior to H&S. How about you simplify it to: Bash – any shield you use gains the forceful tag. I don’t think you need the “very forceful”. Being skilled in using a shield, perhaps another simple move: Shield Expert – on a H&S 10+ also take 1 hold from the move defend.
The Hoplite is much like the Fighter so I would recommend a compendium class, but if you really want a separate full class, use it as a template, there is no unique “combat” move for the Fighter because H&S and Defend can cover pretty much all the fictional bases. As such, give unique and interesting weapon tags or bonuses to those moves and you should be all set.
Hope it helps!
Here is a separate move reskinning Bend Bars Lift Gates that might work well.
Break the Ranks
When the enemy is dug in and you use your shield to charge and break their ranks, roll+Str.
•You reach them before they can make an attack against you
•You don’t take damage as you hit the wall
•You maintain strong footing after the crash, take +1 forward on your next attack
•You open up the enemy’s to your allies, they take +1 forward on their next attack
Andrew Alwood thanks it actually helps a lot