I’m going to run a Play-by-Post Dungeon World game over on Mythweavers! The setting is inspired by Grimm fairy tales, particularly Little Red Riding Hood, and includes two new playable races that I made up! Come take a look if you’re interested!
Sounds great. Just read through your pitch
Will have a think about characters and stuff and get back to you!
Lu Quade Awesome! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hey, I’m at work so don’t have access to my laptop at the moment, how exactly do I apply? I’m seriously interested and very familiar with Perilous Wilds and the Grimm mythos! (:
Spike Gowers Hey there! You’ll have to make a Mythweavers account and post a thread on my character applications forum which can be found here: myth-weavers.com – The Red Riding Hoods – Myth-Weavers
There is a template there already that should serve to help you write things out! Also check out my “Races” thread to get an idea of how the Changelings and Metamorphs fit into the world and how to play them. Thanks for your interest! Hope you get to post soon!
This sounds super interesting! I’ll get on this today and make an application!
Edward Hickcox Awesome!
Hey there. Still in character creation mode. Do you have any info in the game forum re: your Child of Man”, “Changeling”, and “Metamorph race thing. Just wanting to use it to inform my character building and couldn’t see it anywhere
Lu Quade Here’s a link! myth-weavers.com – Races – Myth-Weavers
Let me know what you think!
Can we follow the adventures if we aren’t playing?
colin mossbarger If you feel so inclined, of course! Once the game starts I’ll post a link here to the In-Character thread if people are interested.
Bear Eth Me again! I’ve a couple of days off work now so I’m going to work on my application today. I’m going to be making a Cleric but I was wondering if you’d consider allowing me to use an Alternative Cleric playbook made by Awful Good Games. (It’s fine if you’d rather I didn’t, I can work with either sheet and obviously I can happily send you a copy of the sheet I’d like to use). Thanks again!
For my part Bear Eth the Awful Good Games playbook are… well… awfully good. The Cleric is nice because it differentiates divine casting from arcane casting by giving the Cleric a prayer move that earns them hold which they then spend on their spell effects. I’m probably preaching to the choir here, so I’ll stop. Let’s just say that I approve.
Edward Hickcox You’re definitely preaching to the choir on my part! I love the Awful Good Games series of plabooks so much, particularly their reinventions of existing classes. I honestly don’t mind playing the default DW Cleric but I’d enjoy the opportunity to use this playbook and not just be the kind of type-cast armoured band-aid who doesn’t like Undead things.
Spike Gowers The Choir indeed! Awful good does great work, so thumbs up to their rendition of the cleric!