Shrine Contest
This is just a reminder about the Discern Realities shrine contest. The winner gets a $50 gift card to either Amazon or Drivethru. The winner and up to two runners up will be invited to co-host an episode of the show. Here are the details for the entries:
-400 words max
-A short description of the god or entity the shrine is dedicated to.
-A custom move associated with the shrine.
-A magic item.
-A spell (or a second magic item).
You can send entries to gauntletpodcast@gmail.com. The contest runs through May 31st. If we get enough entries, we will publish them in a special issue of our zine, Codex.
Cc: David LaFreniere
Neat! I was looking for some audio Dungeon Word content. I can’t wait to give it a listen.
I wish the show titles were better presented. It only says “episode 44, episode 43,” or whatever.