I ran Ray Otus ‘s Kazarak for 2 people who had never played an RPG before (and 1 DW veteran) . They loved it and want to start over with a ‘proper’ Dungeon World campaign. I’m excited to start GMing a weekly Dungeon World game again, it’s been awhile.
I ran Ray Otus ‘s Kazarak for 2 people who had never played an RPG before (and 1 DW veteran)
I ran Ray Otus ‘s Kazarak for 2 people who had never played an RPG before (and 1 DW veteran)
Can you give specifics as to what they liked about it? Considering using it (I’m a backer already) in my next session.
I would love to hear the details too!
They liked the setting quite a lot and enjoyed exploring the history of the city. The rust monster was especially cool as one of the PC was wearing plate mail and lived in constant fear of getting her armor melted off.
We wanted to keep it to 2 sessions, so I left out the sentient stone and just used Nuftabulis as the big bad, so no giant mechs, unfortunately. They encountered the medusa and enjoyed working together to defeat her without getting turned to stone (as happened to the Ranger’s animal companion).
Another session would have probably been better as it would have given them more opportunities to dig around and encounter some different things in the city, but as a long 1-shot it worked really well.
SWEET. So happy to hear about this. Thanks for sharing. I’m glad you got use out of the rust monsters. That’s exactly why they are great creatures. They’re not necessarily hard to defeat, except that if you are a walking hardware store you are like a magnet for them.
And I think dumping at least one of the villains is the right thing to do. The setting is kind of jam-packed with stuff. Having so many, though, gives you options. Did they come upon a reason why the city fell, or was the mystery not something that you featured or that they even cared about?
Ray Otus The group decided before we entered the city that it had been rather peacefully abandoned some unknown time in the past, which played out in the game as Noftabulis and his Derro cohort having used mind-control mojo to to convince the Dwarves that the mines were running out of ore and they needed to relocate.
what is the DW rules for PC to PC negations? I,E, would like to get a PC to do something that they don’t really want to do. I know some games award EXP for going along. but what if they don’t go along with it.
There are a few takes on this. Typically you let them RP it, but I’ve seen folks do aid/interfere against the actions of the initiating player.
I have a mind control move in the next issue of Plundergrounds, but it’s one that Jason Cordova designed and has already used/tested extensively. Essentially the player rolls to resist mind control and the GM gets some amount of hold (maybe 0 on a 10+, 1 on a 7-9, and 3 on a 6-). The GM can then spend a hold to suggest a course of action to the PC. If the PC does it, they mark XP. Giving control to the player keeps them from feeling deprotagonized. As a result, Jason will tell you (and I believe him wholeheartedly) that they always take the bait!
It’s fun to see things go FUBAR. But if they don’t, then they don’t. It’s better than forcing something down their throats. Just make a soft or hard move of some other kind that results from their resisting the domination.
PS in the case of the Eyrok, give them a mutation!