If a player buys a wagon, do you assume it comes with something to pull it, or do you require they buy a horse as well? It confuses me that the cart comes explicitly with a donkey but the wagon lacks a horse or pony at triple the cost.
If a player buys a wagon, do you assume it comes with something to pull it, or do you require they buy a horse as…
If a player buys a wagon, do you assume it comes with something to pull it, or do you require they buy a horse as…
They said in the errata it comes with a dog and two walruses.
But more seriously i’d guess it depends largely on context. The prices in the book are a baseline, they dont represent anything concretely “for sale” in your fiction. Maybe Hobart the wheelmaker has a wagon to sell, and it comes with his old ox, Betty, or maybe the queen’s carpenters offer to outfit the players with a wagon pulled by a team of white mares, but the mares belong to the queen so if anything happens to them so help me.
Or maybe it comes with nothing, because everyone is poor and horses are expensive.
Ask questions and build on the answers!
A particular vendor might offer bundles, but in principle, the wagon and the beast(s) of burden are separate purchases.
Perfect Paula’s Pullers and Pulled
When you buy a wagon and team from Perfect Paula’s, you can only be sure of the species – and remember mules and donkeys are different. Roll +WIS to evaluate what you actually got (and maybe later +INT to challenge his return policy).
On a 10+ you scratch out two of the following, the GM chooses one, the beasts are otherwise as advertised:
On a 7-9 you scratch out one of the following, the GM chooses two, the beats are otherwise as advertised
On a 6- you scratch out one of the following and the GM makes a move with one of the the rest; probably one you won’t hear about until later.
* Stolen from an institutional or official source
* Stolen from a private source
* Not as healthy as they looked, could die on you.
* Skittish and will bolt from anything sudden and/or loud.
* Ornery. Will absolutely not perform when pushed into something intimidating.
* Untrained. The group takes -1 ongoing when the fiction for a move involves the team in any way. When a member of the group has the confidence of the team, this penalty does not apply.
* Balky. The group takes -1 Forward when the trigger for any move involves the team in any way.
Dirk Detweiler Leichty I get the part that it is completely up to the fiction, but, if that was the case why does the cart has a donkey!? To me that was just something they overlooked. I am with Jason Shea on this one.
Victor Julio Hurtado yeah, I feel you–there’s some inconsistency there with the level of fictional specificity.
If your player forks over gold for the wagon, and you don’t include the horse, and waste game time haggling over trivial details, he’ll throw books at you until a horse is included.
Scholars call this “collaboratively exploring the social contract.”