Handling the Terrifying Tag
Has anyone come up with a good move for this? Something akin to a “presence” attack maybe?
I want the tag to mean something other than a general descriptor.
Have been tinkering with this:
When you are in the presence of a terrifying creature, Roll+WIS, On a 10+ you steel your nerve and can carry on as you wish. On a 7-9 You are shaken and will take -1 ongoing until the creature is dead or no longer present.
Plain numeric modifiers are boring. I’d just handle it with a defy danger when facing the terrifying thing, but if you want a specific move, I’d do something along the lines of:
When you battle against your fear, roll+wis.
– on a 10+ it has no power over you.
– on a 7-9 it’s your choice, act while afraid suffering a -1 or flee, curl or otherwise freak out and gain 1 experience.
I generally handle it with:
1) soft move describing the fear/terror/freezing up… “what do you do?”
(this could be either active, like beasty roaring in their face, or reactive, blocking their intended action)
2) if they flee/run/freeze or otherwise act on their fear, cool. But they usually try to overcome their fear, triggering Defy Danger (often with WIS, maybe with CON; sometimes another PC gives them an order/encouragement and Defies Danger for them with CHA)
3) 10+ free to act, until something happens that cranks it up a notch; 7-9 it takes time to steady their nerves (shift focus to another PC and/or have the terrifying thing make another soft move as they rally) or let them act now but at minus 2 (as if they’d been Interfered with). Sometimes give them the choice.
But of course, play it by ear. Sometimes the PC launching into a blind unthinking rage makes more sense on a 7-9 (and I’ll take advantage of that later). Maybe they drop something. Maybe I give them the ugly choice like “you can keep it together and slip out of here undetected, but you’ll be leaving Astrid alone with that… thing. Or you can stay, but your hands won’t stop shaking, take minus 1 ongoing while in its presence.
On a 6-, mess ’em up.
(Piss off, G+ formatting.)
You should check tremulus for that type of moves