To anyone interested, I am starting a play-by-post game of Dungeon World and I am currently looking for two more players. If you are interested or have any questions, ask away!
To anyone interested, I am starting a play-by-post game of Dungeon World and I am currently looking for two more…
To anyone interested, I am starting a play-by-post game of Dungeon World and I am currently looking for two more…
hey Rich Glover, you might want to check this out (Pat’s good people, he let me make him play my white whale RPG in development, so you know he’s patient and kind).
Yes. Yes. I am interested. What site? What posting schedule?
The game play will take place on Tavern Keeper but OOC chat will held in a Slack chat channel.
As for posting schedule, I am flexible but I aim for a post at least every other day
Ok I signed up at Tavern-Keeper. Let me know when it’s all set up.
Rich Glover Can you private message me your email address so I can invite you to the slack channel?
Pat – Do you have your players? I’m interested.
Hi, I am also interested as well if there is still slot opened
To all who were interested in joining, thank you, but we are currently full. I will keep all of you in mind in case we have a player drop out.
Pat Perkins late to the game, but I’m interested if there’s a wait list or possibility of a second game.