Hanging Tree Solitary, Huge
Strangling Noose (d10+3 damage 1 piercing) 24 HP 1 armor
Reach, Far
Special Qualities: Undead, Vulnerable to fire, Moves Slowly
Undead tree formed by the hanging of the innocent from its limbs. It will attempt to strangle its victim with rope and noose from it limbs and drain them of all life. Bodies that eventually fall from the tree often become undead monsters as well. Instinct: Strangles
Though I don’t like the manifestation of it you have. I do like the idea, and will be morphing it into something for one of my games.
Patrick Schenk That’s something.
Mark Tygart Also just thinking on it. Wouldn’t its attacks ignore armor? Being hung by the neck isn’t exactly something platemail can protect you from (technically it would make it worst).
+Patrick Schenk you’re assuming it hits the neck every time.