Shameless plug! Tho since you can get it for free, I guess there’s only so much shame here.
Originally shared by Kirt Dankmyer
Okay, I’m getting very close to finishing the manuscript for Cross World, the KICKASS post-apocalyptic science fantasy supplement for Dungeon World I’ve been working on for quite some time now.
The manuscript currently clocks in at 137 pages, but to my mind, quality is more important than quantity. Therefore, in celebration of the home stretch, I’ve added 12 bonus pages to the “Pay What You Want” (aka, FREE if you like) sampler of Cross World that’s available on DriveThruRPG, so you can get a better sense of the quality by, you know, actually seeing what’s there.
Once the manuscript is finished and playtesting is complete, I plan to do a Kickstarter for art. I feel like this sort of thing isn’t going to work without some KICKASS art to go with it.
I’m very interested in feedback. For example, if you rated the complete bits of the sampler from 1 to 10, what would be needed to crank it up to ELEVEN?
Any feedback is welcome, though. I want Cross World to be as AWESOME as possible.
If you’ve been hesitating to check it out, now’s a good time. After all, you don’t need to pay anything to get a peek.
Please spread the word! Put a little AWESOME into your life.
I’d forgotten about this! I’ll give it a read tonight, not much else I can do with a busted ankle…