The Faceless Man
Solitary, stealthy, devious, intelligent, cautious, terrifying
Black Tendrils (d8 damage); 16HP, 1 armor
Close, Reach, Ignores armor
Instinct: To take the innocent
Special Qualities: Can only be seen by children and the pure of heart, appears randomly to those who have seen it and escaped, faceless, body of shadows
• Appear to those who have seen it, in reality or their dreams
• Vanish without a trace
• Lure them away
• Take them from this world
Long ago a man, who’s name has been forgotten, loved a maiden with all of his heart and soul. She did not return his affection however, which led the man to seek other methods. He went deep into the dark forest to the hovel of a witch. She told him she could help, but her magic requires at least some feelings to exist before it could take hold. She had to give him a kiss, freely, and her heart would be his. If he could not open her heart before the moon disappeared from the night sky, then his own heart would shrivel and his soul would be cursed to never find peace.
He went to his love, hopeful to at least gain a kiss from her, but yet again his advances fell on deaf ears. When the moon was but a sliver in the sky, the man grew desperate and tried to force himself upon her. He was thwarted when the lord of the town came upon them. The man was taken by guards and soon died from the curse during his torturous punishment, being stretched on a rack.
After the man’s death, the lord and maiden married. Their first child, a girl, grew to the age of seven before disappearing on a night when the moon had left the sky. To this day, people say that any who are innocent should not enter the forest on moonless nights, or else they may be stolen away by a faceless figure, tall and thin as if it had been stretched too far.
So if you see your child staring into the forest at night, or they begin to draw strangely thin men with pale, featureless heads and bodies of darkest black, heed this warning. The Faceless Man is coming for them…