Is anyone aware of a Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser / Lankhmar / Nehwon conversion to Dungeon World? I’ve done some digging but am coming up empty-handed.
I’m going to run a couple of andventures in LANKHMAR WORLD and was looking for inspiration. (Aside from the most outstanding source material and various D&D and Savage World supplements. Yes, basically I’m one of those lazy DW DMs…)
PS Gotta love that Mike Mignola art!
Doubtful. Have at it.
I haven’t read these books, but they’re Sword and Sorcery, right? Would Dirk Detweiler Leichty’s Rogue, Warrior, Sage apply?
I read the first book recently after never had read any of them over the years. It was ok and I can see how they got popular in their time.
I doubt you would have to convert anything. Just maybe be selective about playbooks. For example, cleric & paladin probably off the table.
Just use thieves world and go for it!
I’m with Marshall Brengle here. I don’t feel you’d have to “convert” anything really. Dungeon World should work for Lankhmar just fine as is.
I would use the humans only playbooks and house rules and your already pretty much there. The monsters and adventures. are easy to convert. Only real question is what magic user and/or clerical playbooks you allow. You could just use the cleric as a white magic-user with a few mods, wizard as black and a cultist playbook for priest and expand the rogue classes. Or select playbooks to suit your vision: warlock, elementalist, gladiator, ranger, barbarian,bard,urban thief, druid (as white wizard), cultist might work well as a set. You could even run Dungeon World as is with a few house rules, really. Love Leiber and Newhon.
Another idea: use an AW Conan hack as a base.