I haven’t had a chance to try out the 2E Freebooters moves in play yet (hopefully I will this coming Wednesday!), but just from reading, I’m not super happy about the proliferation of “don’t mark XP on a 6-” moves. I like the consistency of always getting XP for a 6- roll, and I think it’s a nice softening of the blow for suffering the consequences of the roll (which, I would say, should usually be pretty serious). Any insight into your decision to make more moves not grant XP on a 6- Jason Lutes?
I haven’t had a chance to try out the 2E Freebooters moves in play yet (hopefully I will this coming Wednesday!),…
I haven’t had a chance to try out the 2E Freebooters moves in play yet (hopefully I will this coming Wednesday!),…
Get Lucky is like that because in my thinking you don’t learn or improve from being lucky or unlucky — luck is luck.
Take the Well-Beaten Way and Make Camp are supposed to act as randomizers, not direct tests of character ability. They are player-facing so the players feel directly engaged and aware of what’s at stake, but in both cases the Judge makes decisions about the outcome.
I personally like having all the travel & exploration moves be player-facing for the sake of consistency, to make the process clear to everyone concerned by putting it into their hands, and because I’m worried about too much XP being generated over the course of traveling from place to place.
Do you think it would it make more sense to rewrite those as Judge-facing d12 rolls, or something like that?
It looks like my underlying philosophy here (I am just realizing) is that when you ask the world what happens, you get what you get. It’s how you deal with bad luck—whatever comes out of the move the Judge makes on that 6- —that might net you XP in the end.
Jason Lutes I like the player facing travel moves, and given that underlying philosophy, I’ll probably be fine with the no XP moves. I’ll run them as written this week, and see how it goes/how I feel about them. BTW – I recently moved to a new area of the same city, and got on a local social network site called NextDoor. On the off chance that there might be some gamers in the new neighborhood, I posted about wanting to start a weekly game night at my house. I was floored by the number of responses I got (over a dozen, many folks who haven’t played tabletop RPGs before, many older gamers who haven’t played in years, and response split about 50/50 male female). Our first session is this coming Wednesday, and I’m using Freebooters for it. If most of the folks who responded show up, I’ll probably split them into two groups and run them on alternating weeks. I’ll post here with how it goes.
John Marron, that is so great! Here’s to bringing new players into the fold.
I’m fine with the no XP moves, but it sure did feel like having candy taken away to see the removal of “Everyone marks XP…” in Make Camp