A few monsters more…
I should note that this was inspired by the Tavern posted monster “Enchanted Chest”…
Magical Chest (Solitary, Small, Stealthy, Hoarder, Construct)
Toothy Lid (w[2d8] damage) 8 HP 1 armor
Special Qualities: Arcane Construct, Full of Tricks, Liar
A minor arcane created mimic; the enchanted chest is enhanced with intelligence and arcane tricks; it will do anything to prevent loss of the treasure within but will choose lies over violence.
Instinct: To keep precious contents safe
Scuttle off when touched
Lead party to trap
Wail to attract other dungeon denizens
Pour forth flaming oil (2d6 dmg)
Spew blinding smog
Send party on useless quest
Alchemical Ooze (Solitary, Stealthy, Amorphous)
Acidic Grab (d8 damage) 12 HP
Special Qualities: Steals voices, Shapeshifts,Amorphous
Formed from accumulations of runoff from arcane laboratories and regions of magical calamity, alchemical oozes are a sort of weak cousin to the true doppelganger. Briefly able to assume a human shape and mimic the voice of previous victims the ooze will seek to lure a meal to a dark, secluded spot and dine on the poor fool. Children or lost maidens are a favorite lure. Alchemical Oozes gain the voices of previous victims but are cunning as opposed to intelligent.
Instinct: Dissolve flesh!
Arcane accident
Can mimic human shape and voice
Always hungry
Mechanical Hydra (Solitary, Large, Construct)
Rends with metal teeth (d10+2 damage) 20 HP 2 armor
Special Qualities: Breathes steam, Arcane Construct
This steampunk horror was designed to mimic the fearsome magical hydra;its mechanic nature prevents regrowing heads but allows its three heads to breathe scalding steam (1d8) on victims. Rumored to have been invented by the infamous Engineer Ferremesz.
Instinct: Obey master
Breathes steam
Each head gets attack
Slow and noisy