Hey guys, on my last one-on-one game with my brother, his character helped a group of friendly druids (he had already met them during a previous session), and they rewarded him with a magical flute that allows him to call an animal of his choosing as long as he plays the right song (it must be an appropriate choice, he can’t call a whale right in the middle of the desert for example).
The following lines describe the custom move he triggers when he uses it, with some flavor text (because flavor text is awesome).
The Druidic Flute of Animal Calling:
It is said that a long time ago, a Bard got lost in an ancient forest, and was found by the fey creatures that live there, who sheltered him/her for the whole season. In the time he/she spent with the fey, the Bard learnt their language, a wrote beautiful songs with it. The fey loved those them, and created magical instruments to play those amazing songs, and when they did, all animals from the forest would come to hear it. With time, the druids and other guardians learned how to make those instruments, and started to make their own beautiful songs as well.
When you try to call an animal of your choosing (it must be a natural creature from the area) by playing this flute, roll + INT. With 10+ the animal you choose comes and it will obey one command. With 7-9 choose one:
– A different animal comes (of the GM’s choice), but you still get one command
– The animal you wanted comes, but it won’t necessarily obey you
P.S.: the Bard mentioned on the flavor text is not my brother’s character, it’s a mysterious, legendary figure that supposedly was the first person to explore the region our campaign takes place.
So what do you think? Any feedback?
That looks good.
I think the trigger is a little long though. You could move the bit about a natural creature from the area to the results. Like this:
When you summon an animal by playing a call on this flute, roll + INT. On a 10+, a natural animal of your choice from the area arrives and will obey one command. On a 7-9, pick one:
– A different animal comes, but still obeys one command;
– An animal of your choice comes, but won’t necessarily obey you.
While INT is fine, I could see CHA working as well.
Chris Stone-Bush
I’ve chosen INT because I thought it would be more about the character remebering the right song to call the right animal.
That totally makes sense.
I would modify the trigger a tad more by saying When you summon an animal native to the area…
And yeah, INT totally makes sense in this application.
A final note, I’d change the name to something less literal and more flavorful… The Pied Pipe, or something (that’s actually really lame, I was just giving an example lol).
Call of the Wind