I’ve been looking the world over and have yet to come across a Magical Girl class for DW. I’m not above making my own, as I’ve already built one custom class for the planned session, but I would hate to make one, only to find someone had already made one.
I’ve been looking the world over and have yet to come across a Magical Girl class for DW.
I’ve been looking the world over and have yet to come across a Magical Girl class for DW.
Magical Girl? How is that different from a female wizard? Guess I don’t know the reference.
Oh. Never mind. Found it on Wikipedia. Yeah, I don’t think I’ve seen anything like that.
i looked it up and still don’t know the difference
It looks like mostly a tone thing to me. I wonder if it wouldn’t be better as a playbook for Legend of the Elements(?). It feels like a bad fit for DW to me, but I didn’t want to just step on someone’s fun.
Magical Girls are more like superheroes than traditional wizards. They have a civilian identity, a transformation that grants them their powers, and most of those powers are action oriented; you see way more magical laser beams than divination spells. Aside from maintaining a secret identity (which isn’t all that essential; you can treat turning off the magic like sheathing your sword, or turning human for a Druid), I think they could fit in with the adventuring lifestyle.
I’d probably start them off with a Bard-esque social move for their mundane side, a Black Magic type move, maybe a less flexible version of Druid transformation that grants Hold to add effects to Black Magic, and perhaps their sassy familiar.
The Princess is very Magical girl, though doesn’t have a secret identity. If you want to play a heroine for love and justice who empowers her friends and has bombastic entrances (like, say, Sailor Moon) then I made The Princess for exactly that.
drivethrurpg.com – The Princess, a Dungeon World and FAE playbook
There’s a guy on Adam koebel roll 20 channel who’s making one supposedly think he just started though
“A guy,” as in one of the guys who wrote Dungeon World.
June Shores: I will have to look at the princess to see if it’d work in the setting I have planned, but it sounds pretty interesting. The player really likes the transformation sequences magical girls do though, so I don’t know how they’ll feel about the class.
Here’s a custom move.
Magical Transformation
When you transform into your magical costume roll +CHA. On a 10+ choose two. On a 7-9 choose one.
> You have arrested the attention of the room for the next few moments.
> Carry 1 ongoing to Defend a bystander of your choosing until they are out of immediate danger.
> Hold two ammo and spend it to Volley with magic bolts (bright, loud).
On a 6 or less, choose one and the GM reveals an unfortunate truth.
That looks super good! Thank you