This weekend my son turns 11, and he’s having a sleepover with four of his buddies. My son requested a game of Dungeon World, and he’ll be playing his 4th level Elf Wizard Indiffint.
1. What classes should I offer to four 10 year old boys?
2, Any suggested one-shot modules to use to kick things off?
(picture amused me, my son is not a pipboy. He is playing the crap out of Fallout 4)
Play with him in the wasteland!!!!
I don’t know, do you think your son will care what you run? Sounds like he’s pretty…indiffint.
hehhe, good one, Ralph Mazza.
We’ve been playing bog standard fantasy stuff (using some old D&D adventures for inspiration)
Print one of each class. Let the kids pick themselves. I don’t think there really is a bad combo. Let them work out how a team has come together with Bonds.
I’ve run Harley Stroh’s Tower of the Black Pearl for kids — converting to DW on the fly — on 3 separate occasions, and they always love it. You can get through the whole thing in 3-4 hours.
I actually adapted it for DW a long time ago, but I have no idea how my translation holds up:
You need the maps, and Harley and Goodman Games deserve your money. Tower of the Black Pearl is on DTRPG here:
drive.google.com – DW_Tower of the Black Pearl.pdf – Google Drive
I reckon Morningstar’s “Slave Pits of Drazhu” is AWESOME. Its contained, throws the gang into needing each other (and escape) straight away, has cool (magic) items, and the best big bad to personalise ever.
Also, the classes in Grimworld have such cool art and character sheets, they are pretty ‘grim’, but I reckon 10 year old lads will love it.
Happy birthday to him! I can’t believe he’s already 11.
I know, Candida Norwood. So weird that he showed up magically at the age of 8, right?
You need to record it, Rich.
The basic classes cover it pretty well I suppose. I’d definitely include the Barbarian. It’s popular with my boys. They love fighter types, martial arts, and assassins.
Also…I am a hopeless Fallout 4 addict. More power to your son! And Happy B-Day!
Nathan Roberts is right. Slave Pits is awesome. Happy birthday and great games!
(I would have presented my own Cairn of Gore for Halloween werewolf fun, but I assume you already had the game.)