Alright everybody, I’ve got a bit of a multi-part question for you:
1) What software/web solutions, if any, do you use to organize and manage your games and campaigns?
2) What features would you like to see in a Dungeon World Campaign Manager application?
I’m currently enrolled in a degree program for development and programming, and decided to proof-of-concept a DW campaign manager tool for myself. It is super bare-bones at the moment and I was wondering what kind of features and functions might be useful to GMs other than myself.
A built in relationship map would do wonders!
Mobile friendly. Maybe go so far as to include an app.
A “Monsters by location”. Editable of course.
All matrices should be editable.
Filters, filters, filters. Monsters, steadings, fronts, everything should have filters. Mostly regarding Tags, but id include locations, hp, armor and damage when searching monsters.
I second filters, and definitely a function to search for entries that have a particular combination of tags or words. Then the user can make up their own tags and categories and find things on the fly.
Also, Simplemind is the only mind mapping software I’m satisfied with and I’ve used it for many games.
EDIT: I often use only Simplemind to keep track of everything. – Home | simplemind
A way to track facts established by players during a game. Mostly this is their race stuff. Possibly have search and active hot linking on keywords similar to Realm Works
Some use Trello to manage fronts
Second hyperlinks. Connecting similar things together. Example, a Steading may have links to specific monsters, npc’s and fronts
Tracking successful Discern Reality moves so that we can remember who gets +1 forward on what topics.
I wrote and use this:
On paper we track names of important NPCs and henchmen. We also have a campaign map we update with new locations. There’s other things we manage with tokens.
For my own tool I would have liked a means of bookmarking monsters and moves to a separate section so I can cluster disparate information together (usually when I have a collection of monsters or need to keep referring to a Move). But it’s a fair bit of work to do that. – st33d/dw-improv