For anyone here who would be intwrested in Playing some DW on Saturday Mornings (Around 9 EST), check out the sessions I’m running for The Gauntlet Gaming Community. We still have two spots left for the 1st session on October 22nd.
Originally shared by Daniel Lugo
Alright! It’s great that the Patreon has taken off! To anyone who has contributed and/or participated, thanks! In celebration, I’ve updated a few of my game sessions (Dates 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, and 11/12)
There are definitely still openings for players.
Check out the first one here:
In case you are new to The Gauntlet, or I’ve steered you here from another place, Jason Cordova and Richard Rogers of “The Gauntlet Podcast” run RPG sessions on Google Hangouts almost every Saturday Morning under the title “Saturday Morning Cartoons”. Because it is a time that works for many people, and games fill up quickly I try and run something too. Hope to game with you soon!