How do you handle clothes/gear when the Druid shape shifts? For example; if the Druid shifts into a Rat, does all the gear shrink and the clothes become invisible? Or is all the clothes/gear dropped in place and the Druid has to retrieve them later? Just wondering how restrictive the fiction is here. So far I haven’t imposed any of these thoughts/restrictions on the Druids in my games, but the thought crossed my mind the other day.
How do you handle clothes/gear when the Druid shape shifts?
How do you handle clothes/gear when the Druid shape shifts?
From the Shapeshifter move: “…you and your possessions meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form.”
Maybe I should read first before asking, figured this had to have been addressed
One note though is that a miss might involve this not working quite as expected. I’ve destroyed my Druid’s leather armor (and clothing) before when he missed on a shift into a very large form (a rhinoceros) for combat purposes. It was basically just an instance of use up their resources.
There are other things you might do, like having the armor stay intact when missing on a shift to smaller form, but getting them tangled up in the armor and delaying their ability to act.
Dan Bryant I love this idea, great suggestion.