Originally shared by Dirk Detweiler Leichty
Playset idea for Rogue, warrior, sage:
The rules addenda are a bit sloppy, still messing with that.
Playset idea for Rogue, warrior, sage:
Originally shared by Dirk Detweiler Leichty
Playset idea for Rogue, warrior, sage:
The rules addenda are a bit sloppy, still messing with that.
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Do you have more context on this? It looks cool but I’m not sure exactly what it’s for.
This is amazing! I love it!
For the menace, does it have to be a monster? It could be an organization. Maybe vary the choices some more to offer more ideas?
Peter J yeah, definitely does not have to be a monster!
Colin Kierans It’s a set of questions to establish the starting situation of your game. Wrote this one for Rogue, Warrior, Sage, but I’ve been using similar setup for Dungeon World also.
I’m getting a few ideas of my own… Mind if I steal this format?
Peter J I’d love to see what you come up with!
Inside the city you forgot ‘A fearless Overlord or Sultan, mighty be he’
Great Stuff Dirk Detweiler Leichty ! Will try it out in our DW session tonight
Paul Czege Thomas Novosel