After 3 Successful Seasons of my Ghoul World campaign, the next great adventure is here.

After 3 Successful Seasons of my Ghoul World campaign, the next great adventure is here.

After 3 Successful Seasons of my Ghoul World campaign, the next great adventure is here. This the the illuminati:1907. A game set in a more modern time, where a secret order with super advanced technology combat demons and monsters who escape into the real world.

(Game Information)

1- Home brewed, to maximize the ability to use a grid in roll 20.

2- Demon Realm is more open world, modern world is a bit streamed lined.

3- Custom Classes, called Occupations.

8 thoughts on “After 3 Successful Seasons of my Ghoul World campaign, the next great adventure is here.”

  1. Mark Weis The Titan Lords went well we ended it shortly after the events of the trafalger elementals losing control and the tournament. Daniel (Bryce) has already applied for this one as well. (2) slots are open for players of previous campaigns of mine.

  2. Joshua Faller I think it greatly improves games, but this is acourse subject to the players and gm’s opinions. Which is why its healthy to note it right off the back. Sure theirs defy danger and the hack and slash which lets the monster hit you back, but I think after getting a 10+ on HnS, that ugly orc should be able to punch some holes back regardless and if he happens to get a 7-9 as well, then hey, now you got two attacks in.

  3. Static. (2d6+X) based on the monsters threats. Up to 5 for attacks that should not miss. Like a Dragon’s breath swooping over an open field. The standard is +1, with veterans and experienced creatures having up to +3 or 4 if they are alone and powerful.

  4. Yes, it brings the party more on edge. Though to sort of balance things out (Still Fragile). My players with the custom playbooks. Have higher Base Hit Points then standard dungeon world. This way they can do impressive damage themselves as well as take 2-3 impressive hits. (Example: The most fragile class in this hack would hit max hit points of least 30, where as something standard DW like wizard would max at like 22; if they actually invest in con).

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