My player wants to create a spell for his wizard that allows him to see through an animal’s eyes (much like the druid’s Eyes of the Tiger). I didnt want to shut him down but the party has both a druid and a ranger so I didn’t want him stealing their thunder. I told him he can attempt to develop this spell but it takes a lifetime to form the same kind of bond with nature that the others have. He said that rather than a nature-bond he’s envisioning a forced, limited mind-meld of sorts, with the possible unhappy side-effect of the target animal turning hostile on a failed roll. I think it’s interesting, and will let him learn it a few levels down the road. How would you construct a custom move for this spell?
My player wants to create a spell for his wizard that allows him to see through an animal’s eyes (much like the…
My player wants to create a spell for his wizard that allows him to see through an animal’s eyes (much like the…
When you forcibly attempt to meld your mind with that of an animal with magic, despite warnings from your companions, Roll+Wis…
And then, frankly, i’d have him to roll defy danger
The reason for this, sorry, is because I feel “Defy Danger” is what happens when someone doesn’t have ‘Lift Gates, Bend Bars’ and tries to break down a door, or when they try to communicate directly with a god for advice.
Let them do it if they can justify it by the story, but the point is that “X Class does it better”… You know?
When you forcibly attempt to meld your mind with that of an animal with magic, roll+WIS
On a hit you do it but
On a 10+ choose 1
On a 7-9 choose 2
* Some part of the animal’s psyche remains in your head/soul/mind for a while afterwards
* After the meld the animal turns hostile towards you
* You have no control over the animal while you are melded
Have them do a ritual at a place of power first. It will definetly require the help of the Druid or the Ranger and some study beforehand.
Than they can either spend a large ammount of ritual components (riches) to get the move straight up or buy it at the next level up.
OR give it to them as a Level 3(?) spell straight up once they have done the ritual. Still requires a roll and needs to be prepared. Normal spell casting rules apply.
Tim Franzke thanks! I particularly like the ritual requirement! I’m not giving him control over the animal though, only seeing through its eyes, so we’re still 1 option short for the list.
I say make it a spell, because that’s what he wants. The spell would look something like this:
You cast your vision through the eyes of a beast you touch. However, this spell is not gentle in the least. The GM will give you one or more of the following consequences:
• Afterwards the animal is hostile towards you.
• Some part of the animal’s mind stays in your mind for a short while.
• The vision is very short lived.
• The beast does not look in the direction you want it to.
Eyes of the Beast (level 1 spell)
You can channel your vision through an animal you touch. You will see what it sees, but you have no control of its actions. You may only have one such connection active at any time.
I think gaining it through a Ritual is perfect. Perhaps it needs to be done with a place of power in a natural place, full of primal magic. It could be an awesome jungle excursion or a trip to the local “migrating forest” of treants. As for ritual requirement options, I would say some blood from one of the other party members who can do something similar would be a fictionally acceptable ingredient
And on the subject of encroaching on the other two players, I would tell the wizard that. If he has a good reason for wanting the spell then I would let him pursue it if the others are fine with it.
Also, i believe the Playkit Plus by Jason Shea has some kind of Beastial Tongue-esque spell as a part of the Elf Cleric racial move. I’m pretty sure that it’s a Rote, and it’s only the ability to understand animals-not see through their eyes.
Even still, you might want to take a look at it if you want some kind of starter spell, like “Gain Beastial Tongues now, but when you finish the ritual you gain Beastial Vision”
Sounds like a good (and not too hard) use of the Ritual move to me!
Would probably require something like a tuft of fur of an animal of the same type and some minor things, like a casting circle drawn on the ground and a short ritual exercise.
good to see back around Jabes RPG !
Make it a conversation between the whole group. If the other players are cool with it then great!
The simplest thing would be to treat it as a spell. Use Eyes of the Tiger as the text. Cast a Spell has established 7-9 option so you don’t have to come up with anything. Since they have to roll to use it, it is different than the Druid who pays for the move, but knows it will always be reliable. You could still make them use Ritual to learn how to cast it, or send them on a quest.
Timothy Bennett Jason Shea Thanks, and good to see you! How’s the game going? Has old Duke Yagyesh gotten himself killed yet?
Jabes RPG Game is going great; we have a really good group, and we have no idea what Yagyesh is up to. Think about coming back when you have the time and unction so we can find out about the old Duke.
Glad to hear the game is still running. I just might come back if you think the timing is right.
What does magic is like in your world? Which kind of magic does your wizard uses?
Hey, Elspar, how about one gm option is for the animal to come hunting for you?
Jabes RPG message me on Slack and we’ll discuss