Today I purchased a new pair of pants because I freaking forgot to pack my suit like a noob, but no time for…

Today I purchased a new pair of pants because I freaking forgot to pack my suit like a noob, but no time for…

Today I purchased a new pair of pants because I freaking forgot to pack my suit like a noob, but no time for tailoring, so i hemmed them myself. Then tonight I actually went to a baseball game, which is completely not my style, and had a good time. Also, this running and whatnot has paid off because the pants I bought were a size smaller than usual! Things are a-changin’ – woohoo!

8 thoughts on “Today I purchased a new pair of pants because I freaking forgot to pack my suit like a noob, but no time for…”

  1. When you pack hurriedly, roll +WIS. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, Choose 2.

    The replacement clothing you had to buy fits, mark 1 ‘lost weight’

    Your luggage does not open itself on the carousel

    You remembered to bring socks

    You realized which google plus group you were posting to

  2. I needed to see this. I’m doing my own life reboot out of necessity. Good to see someone else’s progress and mini-milestones.


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