So, I have a game where I am giving the player’s 2 Magic items and starting them at 4th level for a one shot adventure. Does anybody have some magical item suggestions? I have the ones out of the book already.
So, I have a game where I am giving the player’s 2 Magic items and starting them at 4th level for a one shot…
So, I have a game where I am giving the player’s 2 Magic items and starting them at 4th level for a one shot…
As usual. Ask them. “You have a magical trinket. Who gave it to you? Which are its powers? What did you pay for it? Why is it dangerous for you?”
My game is similar to a Con game, I would prefer to have some options available for speed of play. I do intend on asking them this and seeing if any good ideas come up but I would hope to set a sort of scale or standard as to the power of the item, rather than getting “I have a Magic Diamond that is reusable and destroys anything I throw it at. And I have it mounted on my arrow of returning so that any time I use it it comes back and is available.”
I maybe thinking too much like other games but the idea is that this is an established group with some good stuff from their adventures. The plan is to provide some options and let them choose and come up with a story how they got it later.
A dagger that always strikes good, but you get half the damage back.
A magical eye that sees past everything but each time it is used everyone around you see your more concealed secret or deepest fear.
A cloak tailored from griffin feathers. Gives you the power to glide for long distances but you need to eat raw bloody meat after each flight. Better if human!
An ancient horn that summons long forgotten warrior spirits capable to win every battle. Who sounds it is instantly killed, his spirit now prisoner for all the eternity inside the horn.
Mind flayer larva. Hold it in your mouth for limited telepathic ability, but risk swallowing on a miss.
I have a list of magic items I’ve made here:
Wow, some of those are grisly and grim. I like a few though.
simone biagini How about if instead of trapping the sounder, they roll +Str or +CHA and on a miss have to fight the forgotten warrior?
nice idea