Hey folks, has anyone played a single player session (one GM and one PC)?
I believe DW can be run just fine with a single PC, maybe even better than most traditional RPGs (no action economy or CR balancing and stuff like that), but I wonder, how would you handle bonds? I’m thinking about the player sharing bonds with helpful (and unhelpful) NPCs.
What do you think?
Take a look to bonds in Worlds in Peril. I think it can be very useful.
I would actually depart from PbtA a bit and treat bonds like Trollbabe treats relationships. At the end of a scene, you can form a bond with an NPC that was there, giving them +1 bond with you. If they are present in the scene you (or the GM) may call on them to spend their bond and give you +1 or -1 to a roll.
I actually ran a 1on1 game last night. I just ignored bonds. The player was a Druid and everything went great.
My wife and i play often (GM and one PC). We ignored bonds, but she has picked up a hireling as of late. I think some bonding has been taking place
Pedro Bastos Have you taken a look at Fellowship (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/177662/Fellowship–A-Tabletop-Adventure-Game)? Bonds are used very creatively and followers are built into the characters.
I’ve been fiddling with a DW 1v1 framework, but I’m considering changing it to be based on Fellowship instead.
Ari Black is there a moves sheet available for Fellowship? Had my eye on it for a while…
Aaron Griffin Indeed yes! This is the link from the Fellowship manual: http://tinyurl.com/FellowshipPlaybooks