I occasionally consider throwing together a little DW supplement called Drowning, Falling, and Starving to Death.
It’d be nothing but custom moves for, well, yeah. That sort of thing. Y’know, situations that come up often enough that it’d be nice to have a move ready for it, but not something that you really need official moves for it.
Heck, there might be 2-3 versions of moves for similar situations, reflecting different tones, or levels of danger/difficulty, specific circumstances, etc. Probably some design thoughts on each one.
I got TOO MUCH TO DO to really give this much attention right now, but… any interest in such a thing?
I think that I would rather let the roleplaying dictate this. Also, what’s wrong with the normal Defy Danger. Drowning: Defy Danger- roll+Str, Falling: Defy Danger- roll+Dex or if a good fiction is made roll+Con to resist the damage, roll+Dex for acrobatically catching yourself, ect. Starving To Death: Defy Danger (or would it be Dangerous Journey): Fiction could dictate a roll+Int or roll+Wis for finding food in the wilderness, or roll+Con for resisting wasting away. There are many ways you could handle this. No need for all the custom Moves, let the fiction flow.
I would find this really entertaining to read. Just to see additional ideas and fun things that could happen. It’s a really interesting part of the game that is touched on quite little in supplements.
/edit Wrong thread.
Don’t forget thirst. Kills you a lot faster than starvation. I wrote a custom fatigue recovery move for my Tekumel adaption where a 7-9 required food / drink to recover fatigue.
I’m against adding more rules to a system that thrives without them… However, some campaigns do benefit from a bit more flavour. My own needed a Move for when players return to the table after a while. I think if the Moves were strongly written to add a new dimension to a campaign and not just reskins of existing Moves it would be useful.
There is allot that can be said for the “Defy Danger for all”. Heck, World of Dungeons plays very well with one move. However, I like having fun with moves and experimenting with things like this. There is no requirement to use them in your games, but no harm in doing a little mind experimenting either
I’d like to see some. If you want, I’m sure the comunity could help with posts in a thread
IMO, a more useful tool would be examples of GM responses/hard moves for typical dangers and failures. Bulleted examples of those typical situations, and the types of hard moves or progressions that could evolve. Not ad infinitum, of course.
Scott Heyden I like that idea. More examples of typical Soft/Hard moves on each of the more common Moves and Situations would be good.
Jeremy Strandberg I’d be interested!
Scott Heyden as well as example soft and hard moves for misses, examples of “worse outcomes, hard bargains or ugly choices” would also be helpful. I find those harder to come up with on the fly than soft or hard moves on a miss, frankly. The distinction between a hard bargain and an ugly choice is also something that I find hard to keep straight.