I have been working on a worldbook for a game I hope to run someday. I have blatantly lifted from D&D 3 and 4, and Pathfinder. I originally wanted to run it in one of those systems, but since Jim Crocker turned me on to DW, I have filtered the world once again, adding some more DW crunch to the fluff.
I am willing to entertain some critique of the world. Don’t bother to tell me what I stole, I already know.
I thought about discarding the Old World detail. The Old World is a melange of campaigns I have run and played in the past. They will be off camera, until something very bad happens to them…
And the bullet fetish was meant to be scavenged from a past battle rather than created in the heat of battle. But that gives me some ideas…
Small world, Jim Crocker was my room mate for a bit. We got into FEng Shui that he was running. Great gamer, that man.
You did character sketches for a Champions game I ran with Jim. Good Guys, Inc. I wish I still had them somewhere.