Different Style of Archery
I found this really interesting and thought I’d share. While I don’t think it would change the Volley move it certainly will change how I play Rangers and other bow using fighters. Very interesting stuff.
The best part is that Dexterity ties into both shooting and doing all those crazy acrobatics, so it makes sense to be doing both on a mechanical level.
The worst part is that the bow he uses has a really low draw strength, which is a big part of how he’s able to fire off arrows so quickly. Very impressive skill he’s developed, not actually very practical for combat (hence all the reactions to this video calling him out on things; most of his info isn’t very historically accurate).
But it’s definitely close enough for heroic fantasy! Especially when you’ve got moves like Blot Out the Sun on the table. Made me rethink archery in roleplaying games, too.
James Etheridge Not very historically accurate? That is a kind way to put it. Full of fertilizer is more accurate. LOL.
However there are plenty of good ideas for roleplaying games. That’s how I look at it.
I posted it primarily because like most people I envision archers standing still and taking aim like he says. I just like that it is an example of how the fiction COULD be different and maybe bring out some new ideas, fictionally speaking.
I posted it more to flavors some fiction, and changed the title of the post. I don’t claim to be an expert on History or Archery, I think I chose my words poorly title-wise.
Not posting this as FACT, changed the title to reflect that!
Eric Lochstampfor Nothing to be sorry for. It is great trick shooting. He uses an ultra light pull but many trick shooters do. The claims of his narrators are of course rubbish but from a roleplaying aspect it is fantastic. I’m playing a ranger in his honor today!
The claims of the narrator are over the top, but if he can shoot this fast with a light bow, I’m pretty sure a stronger archer can shoot slightly slower with a heavier bow. The important part of the technique has nothing to do with draw strength, and everything with holding several arrows ready in your hand, so you don’t have to draw a new arrow from the quiver for every shot. I see no reason why that wouldn’t translate to heavier bows.