Soul Reaper Robe
This black and purple velvet robe is adorned with delicately stitched necromantic symbols. The inner lining is inscribed with the words, “to my dearest pupil.” While wearing the robe, you can make a necrotic touch attack (range Hand) against a creature with a soul. If your attack kills the creature, the robe gains +1 Soul. The next time you roll Last Breath, roll +Soul instead of the flat 2d6. Additionally, all the souls in the robe are released into what lies beyond the Black Gate, and it reverts back to 0 Soul. 1 Weight
You should probably limit the amount of Soul the robe can hold… probably a maximum of 3?
Thinking about it, the souls you’re harvesting would have gone to the Black Gate anyway when they died, so you’re just delaying their journey slightly. At least, that’s the way a good-aligned character can rationalise it to themselves…
Very nice item