Mikael Tysvær They’re dungeon and dice cards from Billiam Babble of http://inkedadventures.com. Super useful in many a situation.
Nathan Roberts I like that your adventure features the cast of Sherlock =)
Mad Jelly.
I really like your cards. Do you have any sort of loose rules for making them or is it just “list some things”?
Hey Aaron, it’s usually just what gets latched onto in the fiction and then I re-incorporate like crazy!
It was a pretty awesome session!
Undead hordes of mixed man-beast corrupted things, a Druidic moot deep in the ancient woods, a Paladin questioning his vows and and evil necromancer swaying the gentlefolk of the land. Such a good night
Awesomeness! \m/ I just got into a PbP DW game on Tavern Keeper myself and am excited about it too. I played in a game for many sessions a couple of years back and it was so fun. Woot woot.
What are those cards up to the left?
Mikael Tysvær They’re dungeon and dice cards from Billiam Babble of http://inkedadventures.com. Super useful in many a situation.
Nathan Roberts I like that your adventure features the cast of Sherlock =)
Mad Jelly.
I really like your cards. Do you have any sort of loose rules for making them or is it just “list some things”?
Hey Aaron, it’s usually just what gets latched onto in the fiction and then I re-incorporate like crazy!
It was a pretty awesome session!
Undead hordes of mixed man-beast corrupted things, a Druidic moot deep in the ancient woods, a Paladin questioning his vows and and evil necromancer swaying the gentlefolk of the land. Such a good night

Awesomeness! \m/ I just got into a PbP DW game on Tavern Keeper myself and am excited about it too. I played in a game for many sessions a couple of years back and it was so fun. Woot woot.