Multi Classing
So I have a question about multi classing. I understand that some moves allow for a cross class move, but I’d hardly say this is multi-classing.
Has anyone found a way to effectively multi class? I haven’t tried it yet, but one way to do it would be to mimic AD&D and level up each class separately.
Trevor is a level 2 Fighter and a level 3 Wizard. This gives him a total level of 5.
Leveling would be the same, that is, you can’t have a character who’s combined levels exceeds 10. And the required XP for leveling any class would be your COMBINED LEVEL + 1.
Suggestions? Experience?
I also understand the intrusion of class niches if multi classing.
I mean then by level two if i was a level 1 fighter then choose to be a level 1 wizard i’d gain 4 more starting moves and 3 spells. So I think that your idea of multiclassing is still horribly overpowering; where as the guy who simply doesnt multiclass because not everyone wants to; all he gets is an advanced move.
That’s my worry too. Has anyone been successful at multi classing aside from the cross class moves?
This is something my group loves to do in other systems.
Robert Doe I honestly think CC classes are meant to fill this roll in DW or even new classes….
It appears that way. Thank you Mark. I’ll call this one quits
The really important things about multiclassing come out in the fiction no matter how the mechanics work.
Use Class Warfare to create the multiclass?
I tried a Gestalt game of Dungeon World once, when I was still transitioning out of DnD 3.x. Each character had two playbooks, with all the starting moves from both and options to take advanced moves from either. I can’t say how it would’ve worked out, as it dissolved due to Play-by-Post decay, but I doubt I’d do it again. Too much conceptual space to manage, for not a lot of benefit. Class Warfare accomplishes pretty much the same thing with less extraneous stuff.
James Etheridge I fear gestalt DW would be terribly broken when you allow for some of the classes that are out there, even the ones from major supplements alone…
Yeah, combinations would definitely need a GM approval stamp–but to be fair, I require that anyway with playbooks I haven’t seen before. Much as I love the “it’s impossible to be overpowered in Dungeon World” philosophy, there are some playbooks that just have a chokehold on the spotlight. Lookin’ at you, Clock Mage.
Also looking at Golem and Rainlord and especially Collector… Also Necromancer, but for different reasons…
There are many issues with that.. For example which damage dice would you use? Which base hp? If you could just make a bard as tanky and strong as a fighter this would be really broken. I suggest you try the multiclass moves, they work surprisingly well
Thank you everyone. These are all concerns I had as well. I suppose I’ll have to stick with CC and Class Warfare (although I find CW a bit clunky).
I think you could do it, but it is only necessary if they plan on basically splitting their moves between the two classes. At level 1 have the player pick a class normally. At level 2 have them take 1 starting move from another class, readjust their HP, Load, Damage Die to whichever is lower between the two classes (or whatever everyone agrees is fair). At level 3 they can chose a 2-5 move from their first class, another starting move from their second class, or a 2-5 move from their second class. You could still do leveling the way you outlined, but I’m not sure if it matters except for spell casting, or a move like the Cleric’s Devoted Healer where you add your level.
One of the ways you can use Class Warfare is to just treat it as a big list of compendium classes. You don’t have to replace the base class system.
Robert Doe A simple solution can be to allow a player to take single move from another class from levels 2-5 (this includes a starting move) and another move from the same class or another class from 6-10. That way a player can take a move from a class that the party needs to fill in a specific role without being too overpowered.