Has anyone noticed the language in Aid or Interfere? “When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with“. Rules as Written one could interpret that as not being able to Aid or Interfere at all with someone you don’t have a bond with. Just curious if anyone has interpreted it that way.
Has anyone noticed the language in Aid or Interfere?
Has anyone noticed the language in Aid or Interfere?
well, it doesn’t trigger the move. You can help, but what happens is up to the GM.
Aid and Interfere is the worst move in Dungeon World. Mic drop.
William Nichols Likely often involving a Defy Danger.
But… that’s not the text of the move.
DW, p 70: “When you *help or hinder someone* , roll+bond with them.”
If you help or hinder someone with whom you share no bond, then roll +0.
Oh! Oh, weird. The basic moves sheet in the playkit has different wording. Dungeon World, might be something y’all want to fix on the playkits?
I’ve always followed the text in the book… you don’t need a bond; you can Aid/Interfere with +0.
Ah I didnt realize it was different in the book! They probably missed a revision to the basic moves sheet!
Doesn’t mean you can’t Aid or Interfere if you don’t have bonds. It just means you roll+0 if you don’t have bonds.
Thanks for the thoughtful explanation, Krynos