Resharing DIE and DIE,my Dark Souls inspired DW hack for Dark Souls 3’s recent release.
Havent updated with the most recent feedback, but enjoy!
Resharing DIE and DIE,my Dark Souls inspired DW hack for Dark Souls 3’s recent release.
Resharing DIE and DIE,my Dark Souls inspired DW hack for Dark Souls 3’s recent release.
Havent updated with the most recent feedback, but enjoy!
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Great idea! Layout is very neat, I like how text is presented!
Only thing I didn’t like much is :
-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, +2 or
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
All zeroes feels VERY boring to me. Even the -2, +2 and the rest is 0 seems boring. I’d prefer having two -2 and two +2 and maybe +/-1 than buch of zeroes.
Love it. Let us know if that updated draft arrives
Just finished going over this and I must say I LOVE what I’ve read. Bloody good work Mr Reinert.
This is really cool. I’m gonna go through it some more and might have some feedback tomorrow.
This is really awesome stuff, I like your rare items a lot.
So on my first read through I was pretty confused by the 10+ option of Bash and Slash which reads: “10+: Deal your weapon’s damage against an opponent. You may opt to open yourself to counter-attack to deliver +1d6 Damage or absorb the blow, reducing armor by 1 (breaks at 0)”
What blow are they absorbing here? Is this the blow they decide to take if they go for the +1d6? If so it’s kind of confusing to separate those two options by the word “or” as it makes them seem exclusive. The way it reads to me is you can (do +1d6 damage and get hit) or (not get hit and absorb the blow).
After reading it a bit more and reading about Breakage, what I think is happening on a 10+ is that you get a choice to be attacked and deal +1d6 damage, and IF you make that choice then you make another choice on whether to have your armor absorb the hit. Is that correct?
If so, I would remove that text from Bash and Slash and simply turn Breakage into a custom move. Its text should be written so that it can be triggered when you take a hit during Bash and Slash, but it doesn’t need to be written there.
When you take damage from an attack, you may choose to absorb the blow with your armor. If you do, roll 1d6 and compare it to the value of the armor taking the blow. If the value of the d6 is less than your armor value, you do not take damage BUT the value of that armor is reduced by 1. It breaks when the armor value reaches 0.
The Breakage mechanic you have is very cool, so I wouldn’t limit it to Bash and Slash. If you want to limit it to certain things you can add quantifiers to the text, such as “from an attack you see coming” or “from a melee attack you see coming”
For the gear section I would add a simple indentation to group the choices together a bit more clearly. For example Heretic starting gear would be.
Choose one:
– Medium Weapon and Shield
– Large Weapon
You also get:
– Medium Armor
– 1 Holy Relic and 1 Spell with 3 Charges
Great work, hope my feedback is helpful 🙂
Colin Kierans Thanks for taking a look! the S&B wording has been some trouble, thatll be fixed in the next version! the other wording edits help a lot too!