Do you have any tool for Fronts and other game planning for Dungeon World?

Do you have any tool for Fronts and other game planning for Dungeon World?

Do you have any tool for Fronts and other game planning for Dungeon World? Don’t need anything fancy. Excel sheet or the like would do it.

I know there’s a sample sheet on the official site, but I was looking more for a version I could digitally work with on my computer.


6 thoughts on “Do you have any tool for Fronts and other game planning for Dungeon World?”

  1. I recently wrote an adventure using Google Doc, and made use of headings and the auto-generated table of contents. Means I can jump around the document during play. There’s not much to fronts to require anything fancy IMO.

    Bonus is that I can read/edit it in my phone, using Google Drive.

  2. Scott Maclure Would you be willing to share that gdoc? I’m thinking about making something similar and would love to see how you started yours!

  3. No worries. For me, it’s all about having “things in motion” during play. That’s why I love DW’s Fronts so much. Lots of questions for the players to answer during play.

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