On friday night, I will be enjoying my first ever play session of Dungeon World as the DM. I decided to create a smartphone app to not only help my players easily make their rolls, but also to enhance our play experience through fun sound bites.
When you make a successful roll in the app, you will be treated to a sound bite that encompasses what I define as success in Dungeon World. Being a badass.
Likewise for partial success, you hear a sound bite that communicates success at a cost.
Finally, failure on a roll will play a sound bite meant to echo the feeling of disappointment on a bad roll.
The combination of quick, easy rolls with sound bites that help us get back to the fiction should in theory create a very smooth game experience.
Now that my first draft of the app is complete, I figured I would share it with all of you in the hopes you too could benefit from its use.
I was also hoping to get some more suggestions for sound bites as there are currently 6 failure sounds, 10 partials, and 6 successes. I’d like to build these numbers up until it is rare to get a repeated sound bite in a single play session.
So to reiterate, success sound bites should convey a sense of being an action movie style badass. Partial successes should provide humor that reminds the players of the fun of complications. Failure sound bites should convey a sense of disappointment, but in a fun way.
Please let me know what you guys think. I’ll probably be making changes based on my own play testing, but your ideas are just as valuable.
It’s kind of fun but dice are simpler. Also not sure if it’s random enough. Seems to average 6 on 2d6
You can examine the JavaScript yourself to see if you are satisfied with the randomness.
Bob Bersch 6 is an average roll for 2d6…
Well… 7 is “more average” when you roll 2d6
guess so http://www.thedarkfortress.co.uk/tech_reports/2_dice_rolls.htm#.VvuHsXCfPFI
In fact you can easily calculate the average result of any dice as (Min+Max)/2, which in a d6 equals 3.5 (7 if you’re rolling 2 dice).
This formula is a simplification of the way you calculate any average result: add all posible results and divide among number of results. In a d6 this means: (1+2+3+4+5+6)/6, and that is 3.5 again.
(well, multiply each result by the likelihood of that result, and sum, but what’s a little pedantry between friends?)
I really really wanted to see the individual dice in the history log, so I wrote a patch that adds that:
Also, I couldn’t have asked for a better quickstart on how to play/stop sound effects in a html5 game.
according to anydice its between 6,7, and 8 with 7 being more prominent.