This idea came from Jeremy Strandberg’s Would-Be Hero, and I tried expanding it into a more defensive/avenging riff on the Paladin. I’m not crazy about the result; there’s too many mechanical moves and too few fictional moves. I’d like to swap some of the former for the latter, if anyone wants to offer suggestions. idea came from Jeremy Strandberg’s Would-Be Hero, and I tried expanding it into a more defensive/avenging riff…
This idea came from Jeremy Strandberg’s Would-Be Hero, and I tried expanding it into a more defensive/avenging riff…
The Alignment and Race items are great. I love the narrative feel of I’ll Be There For You, and the option to escape is great, but I personally find Bond to be the weakest part of DW. If it works for you, great, but I wouldn’t base the move on it. Instead, I would give something like D&D5e’s Advantage. Basically, they get hold to spend to roll twice and take the best result (whenever aiding their ward in some way).
Ari Black In practice, roll twice and keep the best two works out to an average of about 9, so a net +2 bonus, though this also prevents you from reaching too high as well, since you still can’t roll higher than a 12.
Ditching the +Bond mod would also make it much more equitable to make your ward someone you don’t have bonds with.
Peter J A couple of questions that came up as I was reading:
– What does it mean that “you lose your ward” in Ever Dutiful?
– In Hard To Kill, when do you stop taking the +2 armour forward?
– In Staunch Defender, does it still count as a failure or is it impossible for someone with that move to fail a Defend roll?
“Losing your ward” means that they no longer count as your ward for the purposes of other moves.
+2 armor forward is treated like any other +X forward, it lasts for one effect.
As worded, I would rule it still a failure.
Both Staunch Defender and Hard to Kill are on the chopping block for moves that I’d like to replace with something more fictionally exciting.
It feels fictionally strange that your promise to protect goes away when you’re sleepy, I’d imagine you’d take -1/-2 forward until you get a proper rest.
I think there’s a place in your 2-5 list for a move that lets you get a move from another class, that kind of move has been popular with my players.
You might consider…
Final Stand:
When you take your Last Breath in defence of your ward, roll+CON instead.
Ever Loyal
This move seems a little out of the ordinary. A human and a Dwarf will both need sleep. Perhaps Sleep with one eye Open would suite better? Maybe give you the opportunity to Defy Danger +INT while you sleep?
Just bring it has a spelling error. You is supposed to be Your
Robert Doe Good catch, thanks!