Some awesome news: Dungeon World is now published by Burning Wheel.

Some awesome news: Dungeon World is now published by Burning Wheel.

Some awesome news: Dungeon World is now published by Burning Wheel.

This was part of a move by Adam and me to free up more time to make stuff. With both of us having increasingly busy lives, the overhead of printing, billing, taxes, and so on was eating into out ability to make new stuff. With our good friends taking over those duties we’ll be able to focus on making stuff (like Juntu and Inglorious).

Originally shared by Sage LaTorra

2010 Sage, who walked up to Luke Crane at GenCon and handed him a copy of a game I was working on, is freaking out right now. Adam and I are part of BWHQ!

10 thoughts on “Some awesome news: Dungeon World is now published by Burning Wheel.”

  1. There are some threads on the BW forum where people keep pestering look about having a Swimming skill in BW and he goes on a bit of a rant about it. It was one of the first things I learned about BW, oddly, so those threads took on a meme status among me and my friends. When writing up the burning wheel for DW, I saw the perfect chance to poke fun at Luke.

    Now, several years later, I find out he never got it!

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