My group has played DW for about four months and over half of the group is at level 9. My fear is that they may loses interest because they are capped at 10th. What have any of you all done to keep campaigns fresh and moving?
My group has played DW for about four months and over half of the group is at level 9. My fear is that they may…
My group has played DW for about four months and over half of the group is at level 9. My fear is that they may…
I just let them keeping leveling up. I stop ability score increases at 10th level, but you can keep gaining moves. It hasn’t broken anything. You just get to make harder GM moves mwahahaha…
We’re flirting with that limit in our campaign as well. So far a few players have decided to retire their characters to safety and try something new, though I also think compendium classes have potential.
I assume you don’t want to start a new, different campaign? I’m used to having more character ideas than campaigns and more campaign ideas than time, honestly, so I quite like relatively short-but-satisfying games that end and we start something else different and new.
Check it out:
Soon, I might face the same problem. I see it as a Narrative issue as well. They must feel the story of their PC is coming to a close. The ONE change I made is that at 10th they get to narrate the lasting impact of their ending.
We had a similar problem; the campaign was close to conclusion and heavily built on characters (also major ties with the evil enemy) so their change was unthinkable. We decided to go ahead with leveling adopting the following rules: at level 11+ you chose to get +1 in any ability below 18 or get “legendary stat” for a 18-ability. the legendary stat let you roll 1d6+1d8 instead of 2d6. No additional moves were awarded anyway. The idea was that while you will fail a little less (even if is not such a great improvement) you will also get less experience point from your core stats. Fortunately my daughter decided to Birth and we had to stop playing; so I cannot tell you if it was a worthfuil approach
Award one advanced move per level above 10, and this sollution of yours seems rather doable
We decided not to add any additional move after 10th level as we already forgot to use all the moves we had; our sensation was that too may moves are distracting. One option could be to upgrade those already taken rather that awarding new ones; however I’m not sure it would add any real depth to the character (and the above 10+ level condition was expected to last 1-2 session at most so we tried to keep it simple). Our solution (1d6+1d8) I rather dull too anyway and a clever mechanic should be added so that the new power give the character a good twist (something like the barbarian basic power) but again, it would last only for few sessions.
We also change (at level 6-7) the xp requirements for advancement to level +10 (we would have done better to increas to +12/+15).