ramblingsofjacobanddelos.com had a One Shot called “the Wall” which took GRRM’s Icy Wall and flipped it over, DW style.
Setup: everyone is a criminal, a social reject, or otherwise banished to this desolate outpost that holds back the harsh enemies of Civilization.
Each player answers a question on some story aspect like “what is the Wall made out of?” “What is it defending against?” “Who is the Captain of the Watch?” etc.
Each character has a specific type of bond to each other or different Wall factions, depending on their class.
I really liked it and I’ve been thinking about running it soon. When I dug through my archive, I noted that it was from a blogpost dated 6/3/15… but now its gone!
1) +Delos Adamski, these are the only two posts on it that I can see now…
Can you repost it?
2) Has anyone played a reskin of the Wall? How did it go?
I’m getting a 403 for Jacob and Delos’ entire website.
Yeah, very nifty idea. Add some Fronts for the GM to use to your summary here and I think you’d have most of what you need
Thanks a bunch, Ivan!
Delos Adamski I’m going to use your idea as a one-shot with the invaders and the defenders!
If the group is large, then I’ll run it with a co-DM. The DMs will run separate groups and meet in the middle for the development of a Quick Front/1-2 Grim Portents that they share to insert into the game.
If the group is small, then I’ll run it with a traitor mechanic similar to what was proposed on reddit.
I’m including another Archetype: the Zealot (typically played by The Paladin or The Immolator)
Dear Zealot,
You have seen a Vision that the Realms will soon be under attack by the great Horror. You haven’t been able to muster the full forces needed to intervene, but you set out anyway and travel great distances. Slowly, bit by bit, grim portents have revealed themselves
You come across a group of recruits traveling to the Watch and offer your aid, which they reluctantly accept.
1. What was the first sign that convinced you that your Visions were true? (a comet in the sky, a plague upon the people, etc.)
2. Who do you follow and how did your opposition to the Horror originate?
3. What did you have to sacrifice in order to gain the trust of the Watch?
Remember that you are powerful ally, but the Watch distrusts your motives and most do not believe in your Visions. This is your chance to save the world. You know that you follow the only righteous path.
Yours truly,
The DM
I’ve noticed as I organized the one-shot that a pair of classes all fall into an Archetype: Veteran=Fighter/Ranger,
and of course, the Bastard has to pick a class from the left-overs
Hey man that’s great to hear. Sadly my website got taken down because were having issues with the host, but my webmasters working on it. Though he’s been a little busy because his wife just gave birth to their fourth child, so I haven’t really been pushing too hard at this point. If you need a copy of the original article I’ll try to dig one up on Monday.