I threw this bookmark together as a quick summary of basic moves. Enjoy. I threw this bookmark together as a quick summary of basic moves. Enjoy. I threw this bookmark together as a quick summary of basic moves. Enjoy.
Well derp. Thanks for clearing that up, I’m a DW noob. I’ll fix that up in the next version. If there are any other suggestions, bring em!
This is cool
Oh man, now I have to figure out how to print this…
So nice.
excuse me, -2 ammo on volley?
As opposed to the standard 1, I guess it could be clearer
You don’t lose 1 ammo by default.
Well derp. Thanks for clearing that up, I’m a DW noob.
I’ll fix that up in the next version. If there are any other suggestions, bring em!
BTW, great bookmark!!
Thanks Diego Minuti — any other thoughts before I put a new version up?